
Faculty Of Orthodontics


The Department of Orthodontics is highly specialized and equipped with the latest dental equipment in its various sections. Cephalometry and Panoramic radiography and Cephalometry labs are available where the clinical students are trained from basic orthodontic knowledge to applied clinical aspects of the subject. Orthodontics is a specialized field which corrects the malalignment of teeth thus making the smiles beautiful, teeth more functionally active and easier for cleaning. Orthodontic treatment is a long process in which teeth move with slow pace and are kept in the final alignment afterwards. The procedures we do in our OPD are:

Removable Appliance therapy
Fixed braces therapy
Clear path appliances

Brackets sometimes lower the confidence of the patients with the entire metallic smile. To overcome this potential issue, we also have range of ceramic brackets which are tooth like in colour giving a more confident smile to patients.

Introduction of Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the field of dentistry focused on aligning crooked or crowded teeth into the correct position while improving facial appearance.