
General Policy of Medical Education

Recently, there has been a tremendous development in medicine and dentistry, which has been accompanied by a significant rise in the awareness among patients. Medical curricula have been grown more complex, with newer ways of education implementation being innovated and implemented, as are new methods of assessment. Health education professionals are also expected to have the potential to educate their faculty members to develop new skills that correspond to these changes.

The department of Health Professional Education Bhitai Dental and Medical College has describe their roles to accomplished these challenges:

  • Advised & support in curriculum development
  • Teaching strategies
  • Assessment
  • Fostering the careers of academic staff (Faculty development programs)
  • Service provision

Advised & Support in Curriculum Development:
DHPE play vital role in a supportive way for curriculum committee in the development, designing, upgradation, and evaluation of curriculum of an institution of medical and dental curriculum in an institution.

Teaching Strategies:
DHPE helps its academic facilities member to understand the issues relating to the teaching activities include what is taught, the educational approach adopted, the depth of study and the target audience. DHPE conducting Workshop to facilitate academic facilities member about new teaching strategies like small and large group teaching, development of study guide, new learning.

DHPE collaborate with examination department of an institute in the evaluation of assessment (difficulties index and discrimination index). DHPE also assist the academic departments in the formation of different type of assessment (formative, diagnostic and summative assessment) and help in the formation of table of specification and blueprinting of medical and dental courses

Fostering The Careers of Academic staff (Faculty development programs):
Until recently in contemporary medical education, faculty members teach as they were taught. No formal training programs for teachers existed. In order to compensate this issue DHPE has a great responsibility to introduce its faculty members to the principles of teaching and learning through investing in faculty development programs by providing workshops and seminars that allow the faculty members to understand the essential skills needed for medical educators. Throughout the academic years, specific emphasis was given to prepare faculty to develop course specification that include defining the intended learning objectives, teaching and assessment strategies that they will use in their courses.

Service Provision:
Departments of medical education are frequently service providers, helping staff in other departments within an institution with aspects of teaching and learning; advising on the development of the curriculum in accordance with best evidence medical education; providing expertise in student assessment and curriculum evaluation; and offering support in the development of instructional materials and student study guides, online learning materials, other resource materials and development of timetable . In some instances, a service responsibility may be the main rationale for the establishment of a department of medical education.