
Faculty Of Operative Dentistry


The course of Operative/ Restorative / Conservative Dentistry is taught from the 2nd professional year during which students having sound knowledge of tooth morphology work on ideal teeth models in our Skills lab to get a life like feel for the clinical application. The clinical course is designed to develop the essential psychomotor skills for the performance of fundamental operations of clinical patients. Treatments of all forms of Operative Dentistry are carried out on clinical patients.

The procedures that are performed and taught at our departments are:

Root Canal Treatment
Core build up
Pits and Fissure Sealants
This wide range of clinical procedures take place in our OPD and special hands on practice for students is carried out in our state of the art Skills Lab.

Introduction of Operative Dentistry

This wide range of clinical procedures take place in our OPD and special hands on practice for students is carried out in our state of the art Skills Lab.