
Faculty Of Oral Pathology


In the study of oral and dental sciences, Oral Pathology is the subject that deals with the nature, identification and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. Understanding of oral pathology is essential for diagnosis and for the development of rational treatment and preventive programs as a dental professional must possess a good understanding of causative factors, disease processes, clinical presentation, microscopic features, and diagnosis of oral and Para-oral diseases. One of the most important purposes of oral pathology is to give the student the ability to correctly diagnose oral lesions and develop differential diagnosis. The department of Oral Pathology has educational goals for the 3rd year BDS students. The department provides an overview of oral and maxillofacial pathology including the clinical Histopathology and radiographic presentation of Oral diagnosis and pathogenesis. The study of microscope, tissue processing, diagnostic tests and advanced techniques are also includes.

Need of including the subject in the curriculum

Education based dentistry
Career options as an Oral Pathologists
A general dentist maybe the first one to uncover a lot of conditions the patient is unaware of.

Objectives of teaching this subject to undergraduate students

To familiarize the students with the various oral disease
To familiarize the students with the oral manifestations of certain diseases.
Help student identify the sign and symptoms of various oral lesions.
To familiarize students with various diagnostic techniques applicable in every condition.

At the end of year Students are expected to:

Know about most of the lesions of the oral cavity.
Identify the lesions clinically as well as microscopically.
Be able to recognize the diagnostic tests for a particular lesion.
Know which lesion is to be managed by a specialist and appropriate referrals.

Introduction of Oral Pathology

Oral Pathology is the subject that deals with the nature, identification and management of diseases affecting the oral and maxillofacial region.